You are here: AgileShapes > Microsoft SPS > Download Files

Download Files

This AgileShape can be used to automatically download one or more files from a SharePoint library to the local file system (of the AgilePoint Server machine).


NOTE: This AgileShape is a specialized sub-type of the AgilePart AgileShape. Refer to the documentation for the AgilePart AgileShape for additional information about the properties and behavior that this sub-type inherits from the AgilePart AgileShape.


Design-Time Properties

NOTE: Since this AgileShape is a specialized sub-type of the AgilePart AgileShape, all of the standard properties supported by the AgilePart AgileShape are also supported by this AgileShape. Since they are already documented elsewhere, the standard AgilePart properties are not documented in this section. Refer to the documentation for the AgilePart AgileShape for information about the standard AgilePart properties. Additional design-time properties (other than the standard AgilePart properties) that are specific to this AgileShape are documented below.



This property specifies the URL of the SharePoint document library (or subfolder) the file(s) should be downloaded from.


E.g. http://MachineName:Port/sites/SiteName/DocumentLibraryName





Default value: *.*

This property specifies the filename (or a filename filter containing wildcards) that will be used to determine which file(s) are downloaded from the source location specified by the AbsoluteURL property. Some examples of possible values for this property are listed below:



This property specifies the location of the local file system folder that the file(s) will be downloaded to. The value of this property should be a relative path that specifies the location of the folder relative to the AgilePoint Server application’s root directory.


E.g. If AgilePoint Server is installed at:




and the file (once downloaded) should be located at:




then this property should be set to the following value: files


E.g. If AgilePoint Server is installed at: c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\AgilePointServer\


and the file (once downloaded) should be located at:




then this property should be set to the following value: /files/temp/



Default value: False

This property specifies whether the AgileShape should overwrite the existing file(s) if they already exist at the specified destination. This property can be set to the following specific values:



Default value: False

This property specifies whether the AgileShape should download files contained in any subfolders located under the library (or folder) specified by the AbsoluteURL property. This property can be set to the following specific values: